Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Beginning

Well, this is the first time I will start posting about my path to a healthier me.  I was just sitting here thinking that I really don't want to let the world in my daily habits, lol, but I've committed myself to this so here I am...

Food Intake Today:  (from here on out to be called FIT for short)
Piece of my birthday cake, carrot, cream cheese icing.
Diet caffeine free pepsi
lots of hot tea with splenda
coffee with cream and splenda
McDonalds iced coffee
grilled chicken with rice and a salad
10 hersheys kisses
another piece of carrot cake

I don't like looking at this list, I wasn't thinking really of sharing it with everyone as I was shoveling it in.


15  This number is like a big ole ouch too.  I'm going to resist my usual nightly routine to smoke some more, and just go to bed on this note.

I also got the flirty girl fitness videos today!   Yeah!  Now I'm really excited about that.  I shall start them in the morning.  I am also working on going to bed at a decent hour as well.  I'm just gonna over haul my whole life style.  For me this is to be my new way of life, not a diet to start and stop, not something to do for a little while.  I need calmness and rigid routine in my life, and this is what I've decided to do about it.  :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Alright so its not like I'm a huge, but I am vain, and I would like to at least tone myself, for myself.  I would also like to quit smoking.  So although I realize thats its not right after the new year, and I didn't technically make any resolutions, who cares?  Never too late to start anything.  So this will serve as my journal for my progress!

I'm hoping some kind of public accountability will help me stick with this.  So tell your friends, and neighbors and family to read this and cheer me on, offer me advice and feel free to chastise me if and when I fall off the wagon. lol  I realized when I went outside to play with my son during this last snow fall and ran out of breath in about 5 min, that something needs to be done.

So here's what I'm thinking...  I hate to be chastised in any sense of the word.  I don't mind a little constructive criticism, but hate being talked down to.  I thrive on praise.  Love it!  Always have, maybe its why I've always been a bit of a perfectionist.  Also, I ordered the flirty girl fitness dvds.  I thought, hey I love to dance but don't really like going out, and I am a full time employed, doing it all by myself with no help single mom.  Of course there are the friends that don't mind babysitting, but who wants to keep my kid so I can go to the gym that often, and really I work over 40 hours per week anyway, so I really don't want to be away from my son more than necessary.  I need something that I can do at home in the winter, so I thought dancing is fun, I'll try these.  Also, I will keep a daily food and cigarette journal on here.

Current weight... 145

I guess I'm going to have to post some pics on here so you can see my progress, and I'm going to have to buy a scale as well since I only really know my weight cause I broke down and went to the doctor over this sinus infection the other day.  Alright!  Let's see what I can achieve.  I also want to invite anyone who wants to join me as well.  Let me know, and I'll follow your progress, cheer you on, whatever it takes to help get you motivated.

I will also like to just take this chance to pledge more home cooking.  I will track not only what I eat daily, but where it comes from.  I'm sure I'll love this inside look into my chemical riddled eating out.  I just ultimately want to be healthy for myself and my son, make sure I am doing everything I can to be there for him, and give him a chance.  :)  As soon as these dvds get here I will start tracking my progress with fitness.  As for right now I am going to sit back and smoke this one cigarette guilt free, and then let you know my progress.

Wish me luck!!